Monday, May 2, 2011

Afghan Bread

Thought I'd try something different today. I visited the Eastern Geo Supermarket on Route 25 in Selden which specializes in Southeast Asian and other foods. This loaf of Afghan bread caught my eye. The taste is delicious; it is chewey, soft, full of flavor, good for soaking up gravy. Cost: 1.99. The skateboard shape of the package posed no problem with storage: just fold it over like fabric and slip it into the side of the frig door. My adventure for the day.


Kristen said...

how do you cut it? can you make a sandwich with it? Never heard of it

Priscilla said...

You tear the strips and break off pieces. A sandwich would be difficult; I suppose you could slice it but it's not made for that. I like it with runny Brie cheese. I'd never heard of it before either. That store has mostly Indian and Pakistani foods and it was fun to browse there, but I was always looking at the sodium content (high) so only bought 4 things.