Sunday, June 27, 2010

Extreme Makeover house: Saturday

So much has been done since I was here 23 hours ago. It's astonishing.

Landscaping, fences, walk, driveway--like magic.

The camera

Maroon shirts are the guys from Allure

Security patrols constantly

People still come to gawp, many teenagers

Hard hats off, dangerous work done

Large windows on right and front door have been installed since I started taking these pictures half an hour ago. Red thing is a tent being removed.

I can't get over the instant landscaping.

Hard to tear oneself away.


MPdaCNA said...

Been following ... thanks for sharing this. Can't wait to see it on air.

Priscilla said...

Hi, Queen of Chaos. Nice to hear from you again. It'll be on either in September or November (different people, different info)