Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Litter in a beautiful spot

Well, you can't blame that one on Canada Geese.
(You're thinking, she's run out of pix from the archive. Hmm.)


Biddie said...

(( grinning )) I spotted this same litter over in WingedWordsVillage and then ---pfffft---- it was gone, teleported over here!!

Wish it could disappear as easily from where it was first photographed - teleported right into a trash bin - grrrrr! one of my highest annoyances - trash left carelessly and lazily around ...

Priscilla said...

You happened to be watching when I copied and pasted it into the other blog. I had it saved in Winged words. pffft indeed! It wasn't up for more than 5 seconds.

Kristen said...

Well it looks like someone was having a good time, too bad they can't clean up after themselves!